Yesterday afternoon I took a friend out to go check up on the Wallcreepers and on our way home we decided to stop in to check out the Ortolan Buntings in Silz. We found a good number of Ortolans singing and feeding on the ground in the potatoes, but I didn't get any great photos of them.
There were lots and lots of Skylarks (Alauda arvensis, Feldlerche), however - something rather unusual for Tirol (our skylarks are disappearing fast).
These Skylark photos were taken hand-held using a Swarovski Optik STM80HD scope, a TLS800 adapter and a Nikon 350D - the same setup I used for the Black Kites.
I just love their little crests - it makes them look so serious. And hearing dozens of them singing/displaying is absolutely wonderful. Listen to the Skylark song and then imagine a whole pile of them singing together! (the song was recorded by Niels Crabbe in Oulu, Finland)
Happy birding
Dale Forbes
Birding at Tanjung Api, Tanjung Lumpur, Muara Sungai Kuantan
The fishermen boat is returning to Tanjung Api jetty, with Tanjung
Tembeling in the background.
Kuantan Map
Tanjung Lumpur is a picturesque traditional fi...
4 hours ago
A very cute little guy singing a beautiful song:)
Marvelous. The crest looks like a mohawk cut.
I'm the redactor of www.ornithomedia, one of the most important French-speaking birding website, and we'd like to adapt in French some of your articles concerning disgicsoping, digibinning and identification (marsh/willow tit): would it be possible?
Naturally we would promote your excellent blog
David Bismuth
the first photo is my favorite, the grass add up the mystery to the photo/bird
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