While I love this blog, I now pretty much only write on my other two blogs: BirdingBlogs.com and 10,000 Birds - I would love to see you there!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Common Redstart / Gartenrotschwanz

While waiting for some HD movie files to copy (this is going to take a while), I came across a photo of a common redstart I took a couple of years ago. They are really not that common here, black redstarts are by comparison almost dros, but this one popped out on a forest margin right in front of us, in gorgeous sunset light.

Digiscoped with a Swarovski ATS80 HD, a 30x fixed eyepiece a DCB digiscoping adapter, and a small Canon A590IS point and shoot camera.

The image moved me when I saw it again so thought I would share it. I am glad I did.

Happy birding,
Dale Forbes

1 comment:

MĂĽge said...

Adorable bird and very nice shot! I'm more and more curious about digiscopy!