Yesterday afternoon I took a friend out to go check up on the
Wallcreepers and on our way home we decided to stop in to check out the
Ortolan Buntings in Silz. We found a good number of Ortolans singing and feeding on the ground in the potatoes, but I didn't get any great photos of them.
There were lots and lots of Skylarks (
Alauda arvensis, Feldlerche), however - something rather unusual for Tirol (our skylarks are disappearing fast).

These Skylark photos were taken hand-held using a Swarovski Optik STM80HD scope, a TLS800 adapter and a Nikon 350D - the same setup I used for the
Black Kites.

I just love their little crests - it makes them look so serious. And hearing dozens of them singing/displaying is absolutely wonderful.
Listen to the Skylark song and then imagine a whole pile of them singing together! (the song was
recorded by Niels Crabbe in Oulu, Finland)
Happy birding
Dale Forbes
A very cute little guy singing a beautiful song:)
Marvelous. The crest looks like a mohawk cut.
I'm the redactor of www.ornithomedia, one of the most important French-speaking birding website, and we'd like to adapt in French some of your articles concerning disgicsoping, digibinning and identification (marsh/willow tit): would it be possible?
Naturally we would promote your excellent blog
David Bismuth
the first photo is my favorite, the grass add up the mystery to the photo/bird
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