While I love this blog, I now pretty much only write on my other two blogs: BirdingBlogs.com and 10,000 Birds - I would love to see you there!

Sunday 22 March 2009

Still no sign of the Wallcreeper (but at least there were some Chamois)

Last week I was really motivated to try to find the local (Ehnbachklamm) Wallcreeper as a group of BirdLife people from all over Europe would be coming over the weekend and I really wanted to be able to show them this spectacular little bird of the mountains.

During the week I spent tons of hours sitting, staring mesmerized at the cliff walls, and scanning every open rock surface I could for a little, butterfly-looking Wallcreeper (Mauerläufer). The conditions in the gorge were surprisingly good, and I am certain that the Wallcreepers are already back from their little altitudinal migration trips in to the [relatively] warmer lower-lying areas. That said, lady luck did not seem to be on my side this week and I did not even smell a Wallcreeper the whole week.

But, on Thursday afternoon, three Chamois (Gämse) kept me company on my vigil. Granted, the Chamois did not seem to be nearly as interested in maintaining eye-contact with the cliff as I, but they were in the same general area as me. Here are a few Chamois photos I did manage to pop off.

Happy birding


Anonymous said...

Lovely impressions from a great day. Thanks Dale!
Martin, DOF - BirdLife Denmark

Sharon said...

Birding seems as good of an excuse as any to get out and explore the wilderness. Wonderful shots of a very cute animal. I have never seen a Chamois before. I love your last shot!!