Welcome to the third installment of Digiscoping Today!
The idea behind it is to share my (and probably your) passion for digiscoping and nature. Nature gives us so much joy in so many ways and digiscoping - as with other forms of photography - gives us a reason to be outdoors.
Add your name and web address and tell your friends to join in too.
Write a comment to tell us what you have posted.
More info here.
1. Kevin Bolton of Jersey Digiscoping has been after American wood warbler photos lately and has posted one of that series: a Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor.
2. Sharon aka BirdChick has posted some cool digiscoped photos and video of a steppe eagle and a family of "barking" marmots (also known as steppe eagle food) live in action.
3. Dale Forbes (yes, that is me) has the first part of his travelogue to Kazakhstan, posted below. Isn't it weird to talk about oneself in the third person?
4. Nancy Castillo has a post called "Gorgeous evening Grosbeak". The title does not lie.
5. Corey of 10000birds has added a "Soul-satisfying Scarlet". Damn, this man sure has a way with creating intriguing titles. The posts starts: "Sometimes a species just stops you in your tracks. So it was with a superlative, breeding-plumaged, ...". As always, Corey's post is filled with eye-candy and words to match.
6. Jason (Horukuru) has just posted the programme for a photography workshop to be held in Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sepilok, Sandakan. If you are in the area, then you don't want to miss Jason's presentation on digiscoping and birding equipment in the afternoon of 21 June 2009. He also has a post on his setup and some new digiscoped photos here.
7. Tom Cuffe of Galway Bird photos and more has posted a digiscoped Sedge Warbler - always hard to get.
8. Jerry Jourdan of Jerry's Birding/Digiscoping Blog has some nice digiscoped photos of bright wood warblers, and a story of a wonderful morning's birding in Crane Creek.
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Happy digiscoping!
Dale Forbes
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[image: A man gently touching a white-naped crane]What is The Crane and the
Keeper? A story of the unexpected dangers of imprinting. An interspecies
4 hours ago
I never knew what digiscoping was until now. Had to look it up (smile). So that's what that lens is! :-)
Neat bug photos!!
I've added my shots of a Scarlet Tanager...hopefully the link will appear soon!
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